Test Guidelines

Related Organizations

Organization name Website URL
Agriculture and Agrifood Department, Ministry of Primary Resources and Tourism

Basic Information on PVP in the Members

Country Name Brunei Darussalam
Regulatory Agency
Ratification of UPOV Unratification
Protected Plant Not Determined
Registered Variety Not Determined
Registration Requirement Not Determined
Duration Not Determined
Coverage Not Determined
Scope of the Plant Breeders’ Right Not Determined

Related Organizations

Organization name Website URL
Department of Horticulture and Subsidiary crop, General Directorate of Agriculture, Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries (MAFF)
(in Khmer/ English)
Ministry of Industry,Science,Technology and Innovation(MISTI) (in Khmer/ English)

Basic Information on PVP in the Members

Country Name Kingdom of Cambodia
Regulatory Agency
Ratification of UPOV Unratification
Protected Plant Not Determined
Registered Variety 2 varieties (as of Feb., 2023)
Registration Requirement Not Determined
Duration 20 years (Perennial plants: 25 years)
Coverage Not Determined
Scope of the Plant Breeders’ Right Not Determined

Related Organizations

Organization name Website URL
Center for Plant Variety Protection and Licensing of Agriculture, Ministry of Agriculture

Basic Information on PVP in the Members

Country Name Republic of Indonesia
Regulatory Agency
  • Center for Plant Variety Protection and Licensing of Agriculture, Ministry of Agriculture (PVTPP Center)
Ratification of UPOV Unratification
Protected Plant All plants
Registered Variety 616 Varieties granted (as of Dec. 31, 2022)
Registration Requirement Distinctness; Uniformity; Stability; Novelty; Adequacy of denomination
Duration 20 years (Perennial plants: 25 years)
Coverage Seeds; Harvests
Scope of the Plant Breeders’ Right Producing or multiplying; Preparation for propagation purposes; Advertising; Offering for Sale; Selling or trading; Importing; Exporting; Stocking for the activities mentioned above

Related laws and ordinances

Title Website URL
Acts No.29 the Year 2000 on Plant Variety Protection

Application and examination procedures

Title Linked URL
Scheme of Procedure on PVP (in Indonesian)
  • http://pvtpp.setjen.pertanian.go.id/tentang-ppvtpp/layanan/pendaftaran-varietas/pendaftaran-varietas-lokal-dan-hasil-pemuliaan/  (under construction)
Local Variety and Breeding Variety Registration (in Indonesian)
  • http://pvtpp.setjen.pertanian.go.id/tentang-ppvtpp/layanan/pendaftaran-varietas/pendaftaran-varietas-lokal-dan-hasil-pemuliaan/ (under construction)
General Guidelines
(in Indonesian)
  • http://pvtpp.setjen.pertanian.go.id/download/pedoman-pengisian-formulir-pvt/ (under construction)

Registered varieties

Title Linked URL
Plant Variety Database
(in Indonesian)
  • (http://aplikasi2.pertanian.go.id/dbvarietas/home.php) (under construction)

Related Organizations

Organization name Website URL
Department of Agriculture (DOA), Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry (in Lao)
National Agriculture and Forestry Research Institute(NAFRI)
Department of Intellectual Property, Ministry of Science and Technology (in Lao)

Basic Information on PVP in the Members

Country Name Lao People’s Democratic Republic
Regulatory Agency
Ratification of UPOV Unratification
Protected Plant Not Determined
Registered Variety Not Determined
Registration Requirement Distinctness; Uniformity; Stability; Novelty; Adequacy of denomination
Duration 15 years (Perennial plants: 25 years)
Coverage Seeds; Harvests; Some processed products
Scope of the Plant Breeders’ Right Production; Transferring; Inheritance; Preparation for propagation purposes; Advertising; Offering for Selling; Selling; Importing; Exporting; Stocking for the activities mentioned above

Related laws and ordinances

Related Organizations

Organization name Website URL
Department of Agriculture, Ministry of Agriculture
(Malaysia Plant Variety Protection)

Basic Information on PVP in the Members

Country Name Malaysia
Regulatory Agency
Ratification of UPOV Unratification
Protected Plant All plants
Registered Variety 270 varieties(Cumulative total as of Dec. 31, 2022)
Registration Requirement Distinctness; Uniformity; Stability; Novelty; Adequacy of denomination
Duration 25 years (Tree and vines)
20 years (Others)Varieties developed by farmers, local community and indigeneous people:
25 years (Tree and Vines)
15 years (Others)
Coverage Seeds; Harvests
Scope of the Plant Breeders’ Right Producing or reproducing; Conditioning for the purpose of propagation; Offering for sale; Marketing inclusive of selling; Exporting; Importing; Stocking for the activities mentioned above

Related laws and ordinances

Title Linked URL
Protection of New Plant Varieties Act 2004 The website of the “Malaysia Plant Variety Protection” (Department of Agriuculture, Ministry of Agriculture)

  • Click the URL to enter the top webpage of the Malaysia Plant Variety Protection website. You can browse the Act 2004 in the “Legislation” menu in the “Plant Breeder’s Right” menu of the top webpage.
Protection of New Plant Varieties Regulations 2008 The website of the “Malaysia Plant Variety Protection” (Department of Agriuculture, Ministry of Agriculture)

  • Click the URL to enter the top webpage of the Malaysia Plant Variety Protection website. You can download and browse the “PNPV Regulations.pdf” file (PDF/77.5KB) through the “Regulations” in the “Legislation” menu in the “Plant Breeder’s Right” menu of the top webpage.

Application and examination procedures

Title Linked URL
AdministrativeGuidelines on Application and Registration of New Varieties of Plants 2008 The website of the “Malaysia Plant Variety Protection” (Department of Agriuculture, Ministry of Agriculture)

  • Click the URL to enter the top webpage of the Malaysia Plant Variety Protection website. You can browse the guidelines through the “Guidelines” in the “Legislation” menu in the “Plant Breeder’s Right” menu of the top webpage.
DUS Test Guidelines The website of the “Malaysia Plant Variety Protection” (Department of Agriuculture, Ministry of Agriculture)

  • Click the URL to enter the top webpage of the Malaysia Plant Variety Protection website. You can browse the Word file of each technical guideline by the following steps:
    (1) Double-click the “DUS Test Guidelines” menu in the “Plant Breeder’s Right” menu, and you will see 7 titles, such as the Fruits, Ornamentals etc.
    (2) When you select each title, you will see the Word files of some plants. Select your-needed plant to download the technical guideline.
  • There are the latest National Test Guidelines approved by the Plant Variety Board.
    <*Under construction as of March, 2017>

Registered varieties

Title Linked URL
National Crop List The website of the “Malaysia Plant Variety Protection” (Department of Agriuculture, Ministry of Agriculture)

  • Click the URL to enter the top webpage of the Malaysia Plant Variety Protection website. You can browse the characteristic of each variety by the following steps:
    ― Double-click the “NATIONAL PLANT VARIETIES” menu in the top webpage, and select the “Fruits”, “Vegetables” or “Cereals” sub-menus in the “REGISTER OF NPV” menu.
Application Forms The website of the “Malaysia Plant Variety Protection” (Department of Agriuculture, Ministry of Agriculture)

  • Applicant may also able to obtain application forms and technical questionnaires from the website by clicking the “Application” menu in the “PLANT BREEDER’S RIGHT” menu.

Related Organizations

Organization name Website URL
Department of Agricultural Research (DAR), Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Irrigation
Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Irrigation,
Seed Division, Department of Agriculture (in English)

Basic Information on PVP in the Members

Country Name Union of Myanmar
Regulatory Agency
Ratification of UPOV Unratification
Protected Plant All plants
Registered Variety 8 varieties(Cumulative total as of Jan., 2023)
Registration Requirement according to seed law
Duration 20 years(25 years for trees and vines)
Coverage Not determined
Scope of the Plant Breeders’ Right Producing or reproducing; Conditioning for the purpose of propagation; Offering for sale; Marketing inclusive of selling; Exporting; Importing; Stocking for the activities mentioned above

Related laws and ordinances

Title Linked URL
Plant Variety Protection Law
(20th, January, 2016)
Seed Law
(18th February, 2015)


Related Organizations

Organization name Website URL
Bureau of Plant Industry, Ministry of Agriculture (BPI)
Plant Varieties Protection Office, Bureau of Plant Industry, Ministry of Agriculture (PVPO Philippines)

Basic Information on PVP in the Members

Country Name Republic of the Philippines

The website of the “Philippine PVPO”

Click the URL to enter the top webpage of the Philippine PVPO website. You can download and browse the “PVP Act of 2002″(PDF/160KB) by clicking the “LAW AND ISSUANCES” tab of the top webpage.

Regulatory Agency Plant Varieties Protection Office, Bureau of Plant Industry, Ministry of Agriculture
Ratification of UPOV Unratification
Protected Plant All plants
Registered Variety 385 varieties (Cumulative total as of Jan. 30, 2023)
Registration Requirement Distinctness; Uniformity; Stability; Novelty
Duration 20 years (Perennial plants: 25 years)
Coverage Seeds; Harvests
Scope of the Plant Breeders’ Right Production or reproduction; Conditioning for purpose of propagation; Offering for sale; Selling or other marketing; Exporting; Importing, Stocking for the activities mentioned above

Related laws and ordinances

Title Linked URL
Republic Act No.9168 : An Act to Provide Protection to New Plant Varieties, Establishing a National Plant Variety Protection Board and for Other Purposes (Enforcement in 2002)

The website of the “Philippine PVPO”

Click the URL to enter the top webpage of the Philippine PVPO website. You can download and browse the “PVP Act of 2002″(PDF/160KB) by clicking the “LAW AND ISSUANCES” tab of the top webpage.

Implementing Rules and Regulations of the Philippine PVP Act of 2002 (Enforcement in 2003)

The Plant Varieties Protection Office, Bureau of Plant Industry, Ministry of Agriculture (PVPO)

Application and examination procedures

Title Linked URL
Fees and Related Charges [Gazette Vol.1] Visit

Click “Download file” of Gazette Vol. 1. Choose the gender and click “Submit”.

Test Guidelines The website of the Plant Varieties Protection Office, Bureau of Plant Industry, Ministry of Agriculture (PVPO):

  • Click the above title to enter the top webpage of the PVPO website. You can download and browse the PDF file of each technical guideline by the following steps:
    (1)Click the “TEST GUIDELINES” in the “RESOURCES” menu of the top webpage.
    (2)When you see some crop’s names in the webpage, click the “Download file” of your-needed crop name, to download the corresponding PDF file.

Registered varieties

Title Linked URL
PLANT VARIETY GAZETTES The gazette page of the website of the Plant Varieties Protection Office, Bureau of Plant Industry, Ministry of Agriculture (PVPO):

  • Click the URL to enter the gazette webpage of the PVPO website, and you can download and browse the PDF file of a corresponding content.
Protected Varieties The search menu of “Protected Varieties ”

Click the URL and you can search an appropriate variety by crop type, variety name, breeder and year.

Related Organizations

Organization name Website URL
Intellectual Property Office of Singapore (IPOS)

Basic Information on PVP in the Members

Country Name Republic of Singapore
Regulatory Agency Intellectual Property Office of Singapore
Ratification of UPOV UPOV 91: Ratified in 2004
Protected Plant All plants
Registered Variety 14 varieties(Cumulative total as of Feb., 2023)
Registration Requirement Distinctness; Uniformity; Stability; Novelty
Duration 20 years (Perennial plants: 25 years)
Coverage Seeds; Harvests
Scope of the Plant Breeders’ Right Production or reproduction; Conditioning for the purpose of propagation; Offering for sale; Selling or other forms of marketing; Export; Import; Stocking for the activities mentioned above

Related laws and ordinances

Title Linked URL
Plant Varieties Protection Act (Enforcement in 2004 / revised in 2006) Singapore Status Online

Plant Varieties Protection Rules 2004 (revised in 2006) Singapore Status Online

Application and examination procedures

Title Linked URL
Plant Variety Protection Infopack
  • https://www.ipos.gov.sg/docs/default-source/resources-library/plant-varieties-protection/Infopack/pvp-infopack_1-nov-2018.pdf
Guidelines for submitting representations for Plant Varieties Protection

Related Organizations

Organization name Website URL
Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives (MOAC)
Plant Varieties Protection Office (in Thai) https://www.doa.go.th/pvp/

Basic Information on PVP in the Members

Country Name Kingdom of Thailand
Regulatory Agency
Ratification of UPOV Unratification
Protected Plant 103 species (List in PVPO website (Thai language))
Registered Variety 824 varieties(Cumulative total as of Dec., 2022)
Registration Requirement Distinctness; Uniformity; Stability; Novelty
Duration 12 years; 17 years; 27 years (vary among crops)
Coverage Seeds
Scope of the Plant Breeders’ Right Produce; Assign; Sell or distribute; Import; Export; Possess

Related laws and ordinances

Title Linked URL
Plant Varieties Protection Act B.E. 2542 (Enforcement in 2000) Plant Varieties Protection Act B.E. 2542 (in English):
World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO):

Registered varieties

Title Linked URL
Plant Varieties Database (in Thai)

Related Organizations

Organization name Website URL
New plant variety protection office, Ministry of agricultural and rural development (PVPO Viet Nam)
  • http://pvpo.mard.gov.vn/Default.aspx

Basic Information on PVP in the Members

Country Name Socialist Republic of Viet Nam
  • Law No 36/2009/QH12 – the Law Amending and Supplementing a Number of Articles of the Law on Intellectual Property
  • Decree No 88/2010/ND-CP Decree details and guides a number of articles of the Law on Intellectual Property and the Law Amending and Supplementing a Number of Articles of the Law on Intellectual Property regarding rights to plant varieties
Regulatory Agency
  • New Plant Variety Protection Office, Ministry of Agricultural and Rural Development
Ratification of UPOV UPOV 91: Ratified in 2006
Protected Plant All plants
Registered Variety 966 varieties(Cumulative total as of Dec., 2022)
Registration Requirement Distinctness; Uniformity; Stability; Novelty; Adequacy of denomination; Fee (including filing fee and DUS Testing fee)
Duration 20 years (Perennial plants: 25 years)
Coverage Propagation material; Harvested material
Scope of the Plant Breeders’ Right Production or multiplication; Processing for the purpose of propagation; Offering for sale; Selling or other marketing; Exporting; Importing; Stocking for the activities mentioned above

Related laws and ordinances

Title Linked URL
Law on Intellectual Property (No.50/2005/QH11) The website of “Vietnamese Plant Variety Protection” (New plant variety protection office, Ministry of agricultural and rural development (PVPO) ):
Home > Legal Document > Law > Law No. 50/2005/QH11

  • (http://pvpo.mard.gov.vn/DetailInfomation.aspx?InfomationID=IN00000037)
  • Click “detail” to download Word file.
Law No 36/2009/QH12 – the Law Amending and Supplementing a Number of Articles of the Law on Intellectual Property The website of “Vietnamese Plant Variety Protection” (New plant variety protection office, Ministry of agricultural and rural development (PVPO) ):
Home > Legal Document > Law > Law No 36/2009 / QH12

  • (http://pvpo.mard.gov.vn/DetailInfomation.aspx?InfomationID=IN00000304)
  • Click “download” to download PDF file(72KB).
Decree No 88/2010/ND-CP Decree details and guides a number of articles of the Law on Intellectual Property and the Law Amending and Supplementing a Number of Articles of the Law on Intellectual Property regarding rights to plant varieties The website of “Vietnamese Plant Variety Protection” (New plant variety protection office, Ministry of agricultural and rural development (PVPO) ):
Home > Legal Document > Decree > Decree No 88/2010/NĐ-CP

  • (http://pvpo.mard.gov.vn/DetailInfomation.aspx?InfomationID=IN00000305)
  • Click “Download” to download PDF file(156KB).

Application and examination procedures

Title Linked URL
DUS-Test guidelines
  • http://pvpo.mard.gov.vn/ListInfomation.aspx?CategoryID=CA020

Registered varieties

Title Linked URL
National list of genera and species protected in Vietnam The website of “Vietnamese Plant Variety Protection” (New plant variety protection office, Ministry of agricultural and rural development (PVPO)) :

  • (http://pvpo.mard.gov.vn/DetailInfomation.aspx?InfomationID=IN00000307)
Decision No.103 : For adding plant species into the List of protected species and the assignment of the agencies to conduct of DUS Test The website of “Vietnamese Plant Variety Protection” (New plant variety protection office, Ministry of agricultural and rural development (PVPO) ):

  • Decision No 103/2007/QD-BNN (PDF/30KB)

Related Organizations

Organization name Website URL
Division for PVP Examination, Development Center of Science and Technology, Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, P. R. China (in Chinise)

Division for DUS Tests, Development Center of Science and Technology, Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, P. R. China (in Chinise)

PVP division, Development Center of Science & Technology, National Forestry and Grassland Administration, P. R. China

Basic Information on PVP in the Members

Country Name People’s Republic of China
Regulatory Agency
Ratification of UPOV UPOV 78: Ratified in 1999
Protected Plant MARA:191 species (as of Mar. 25, 2022)
NFGA: 293 species (as of Dec. 31, 2021)
Registered Variety MARA:23,101 varieties (as of Dec. 31, 2022)
NFGA:  4,055 varieties (as of Dec. 31, 2022)
Registration Requirement Distinctness; Uniformity; Stability; Novelty; Adequacy of denomination
Duration 15 years (Perennial plants: 20 years)
Coverage Seeds
Scope of the Plant Breeders’ Right Production; Selling [except for Exploitation, Scientific research, Autopropagation by farmers]

Application and examination procedures

Title Linked URL
Application Procedure (Agriculture Part) Division for PVP Examination, Development Center of Science and Technology, Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, P. R. China

Application Procedure (NFGA)(in Chinese)

Registered varieties

Title Linked URL
Official Announcement on Registering Varieties (in Chinese) (MARA) Division for PVP Examination, Development Center of Science and Technology, Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, P. R. China

Official Announcement on Registering Varieties (in Chinese) (NFGA) Forestry Knowledge Service System:

  • (http://forest.ckcest.cn/s/sqpzsjk.html)

Related Organizations

Organization name Website URL
Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries(MAFF)
PVP Office at MAFF Japan http://www.hinshu2.maff.go.jp/en/en_top.html
Center for Seeds and Seedlings, NARO(NCSS)

Basic Information on PVP in the Members

Country Name Japan
Regulatory Agency Food Industry Affairs Bureau, Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries
Ratification of UPOV UPOV 91: Ratified in 1998
Protected Plant All plants
Registered Variety 22,846 varieties granted (from Apr. 1998 to Mar. 2022)
Registration Requirement Distinctness; Uniformity; Stability; Novelty; Adequacy of denomination
Duration 25 years (Perennial plants: 30 years)
Coverage Propagating material; Harvested material; Some processed products
Scope of the Plant Breeders’ Right Production; Conditioning; Offering for transfer or lease; Transferring; Leasing; Exporting; Importing; Stocking for the purpose of any of these acts

Related laws and ordinances

Title Linked URL
The Plant Variety Protection and Seed Act (in Japanese/English) The homepage of the Plant Variety Protection (Agricultural Production Bureau, Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries)

Application and examination procedures

Title Linked URL
The outline of Plant Variety Protection System The Homepage of Plant Variety Protection Office at MAFF Japan

Test Guideline The Homepage of Plant Variety Protection Office at MAFF Japan

Registered varieties

Title Linked URL
Searching Plant Variety The homepage of the Plant Variety Protection (Food Industry Affairs Bureau, Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries):
Top page > Searching Plant Variety

  • Click the URL to enter the searching webpage in Japanese, and click the “english” at the top right of the window.

Related Organizations

Organization name Website URL
Korea Seed & Variety Service (KSVS)

Basic Information on PVP in the Members


Country Name Republic of Korea
PVP Law New Plant Variety Protection Act (in Korean)

Enforcement Decree of the New Plant Variety Protection Act(in Korean)

・Order for Enforcement of the New Plant Variety Protection Act(in Korean)

Regulatory Agency
Ratification of UPOV UPOV 91: Ratified in 2002
Protected Plant All plants
Registered Variety
  • Agriculture Part : 8,368 Varieties (as of Dec., 2021)
  • Forest part : 260 Varieties (as of Dec., 2021)
Registration Requirement Distinctness; Uniformity; Stability; Novelty; Adequacy of denomination
Duration 20 years (Perennial plants: 25 years)
Coverage Seeds; Harvests; Some processed products
Scope of the Plant Breeders’ Right Propagating; Producing; Processing; Assigning; Leasing; Exporting; Importing; Offering for sale (including displaying for assignment or lease)

Related laws and ordinances

Title Linked URL
New Plant Variety Protection Act (in Korean)
Enforcement Decree of New Plant Variety Protection Act (in Korean)

Application and examination procedures

Title Linked URL
Examination System for PVP Korea Seed & Variety Service (KSVS)

Application Procedure Korea Seed & Variety Service (KSVS)

Registered varieties

Title Linked URL
Registration of PVP Right Registration of PVP Right Database